What is computer in english | Computer limitations

What is computer?

Computer defines an industry that uses computers, networking, software programming and other equipment and processes to retrieve, process, store, transmit, and protect information.

The term information technology is wildly used nowadays. Information refers to the subjects related to creating, managing, processing and exchanging information. 

In the area of information technology, computers are used in almost all walks of life. Computers are used in several sector, such as education, communication, entertainment, banking, medicine, weather forecasting and scientific research. 

Computer Full Form

  • C = Common
  • O = Operating
  • M = Machine
  • P = Particularly
  • U = Used
  • T = Trade
  • E = Education
  • R = Research

Computer definition

A computer is an electronic device that can receive, store, process, and output data. It consists of hardware components such as a central processing unit (CPU), memory, storage devices, input/output devices, and software that controls its operation. Computers are used for a wide range of tasks such as communication, data processing, entertainment, and scientific research.

The development of the modern day computer was the result of advances in technologies and man's need to compute and the computer stands for commonly operated machine particularly used for trade education and research.

Computer define in one word

The word computer from word "compute", which means ,"to calculate".

what is computer and its limitations
Computer System

What is computer short definition?

A computer is an electronic device or machine that can perform arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division etc. computer is called a "Data Processor" because it can store, process and retrieve data whenever desired .

Generations of computer:

There are five computer generations. The following segment discusses the main characteristics of each generation one by one.

First Generations(1942-1955):- This generation computers used vacuum tubes as the main electronic component responsible for processing of data.

Second Generations(1955-1965):- This generation computers used transistors in place of vacuum tubes.

Third Generations(1964-1975):- Integrated circuits were used instead of vacuum tubes and transistors.

Fourth Generation(1975-1989):- High speed microprocessors were used.

Fifth Generations(1989-present):- Fifth generation computer based on artificial intelligence are still in development. 

Characteristics of computer

  • Accuracy
  • Speed
  • Large storage capacity
  • Versatility
  • Reliability
  • Diligence
  • Automatic
  • Source of entertainment
  • Cost effectiveness
  • No intelligence

Applications of computer

  • Business
  • Education
  • Medicine
  • Sports
  • Defense
  • Entertainment
  • Banking
  • Weather Forecasting
  • Science and Technology
  • Government
  • Marketing
  • Desktop Publishing
  • Industry
  • Airlines
  • Railways
  • Home
  • Word Processing
  • Communications
  • Engineering

Computer types:

It divided into three parts. It's types are following:-

  1. Analog Computer
  2. Digital Computer
  3. Hybrid Computer
Analog Computer:-
  • Analog computers are the components that work on continuous data.
  • Analog computers are used to measure the physical quantities like pressure, temperature, speed etc.
Digital Computer:- 
  • Digital computer are the computers that work on discontinuous or discrete data.
  • These computers basically work by counting and adding the binary digits.
Hybrid Computers:- 
  • Hybrid computers employ both the features of digital and analog computers.
  • They can work on continuous as well as discontinuous data.

Computer Benefits 

Computers offer a variety of benefits, including:

1. Computer can solve complex calculations quickly which takes a long time to solve manually.

2. It is a self directing machine .This means that the user provides all the instructions to the computer at initial stage and the later it proceeds without any human intervention.

3. It saves and retrieves information.

4. It communicate with the user and other machines.

5. Computer perform the same operation repeatedly for number of times with same processing speed.

6. All electronic items have some form of computing functions.

7. Computers allow individuals and organizations to perform tasks more quickly and efficiently.

8. Computers facilitate communication through email, messaging, video conferencing, and other forms of digital communication.

9. Computers provide access to a wealth of information through the internet and other digital resources.

10. Computers offer a variety of entertainment options, including gaming, streaming videos and music, and social media.

11. Computers can automate repetitive tasks, freeing up time for more complex work.

12.  Computers can process and analyze large amounts of data, enabling insights and better decision-making.

13. Computers have transformed education, making learning more interactive, engaging, and accessible.

Overall, computers have revolutionized the way we live and work, and have become an integral part of modern society.

Computer Limitations

1. A computer has no intelligence of its own .It depends upon user instructions.

2. Computer machine works only on stored procedures and cannot think on its own.

3. It cannot correct invalid input.

4. It does not have feelings .It does not turns on itself or programming itself.

5. Improper computer use can lead to injuries or disorders of hands, wrists, eyes and back and computer users can protect themselves from these health risks through proper workplace design ,good posture while at the computer.

6. Adults, teen, and children around the word are using computers to share publicly their photos, videos, journals, music, and other personal information. Some of these unsuspecting, innocent computer users have fallen victim to crimes committed by dangerous strangers.

7.It can not correct invalid input. If mistakenly given incorrect data or instructions, it does not have the ability to correct it.

8. Computers require a source of electricity to function, and power outages can disrupt their use.

9. Computers are susceptible to viruses, malware, and hacking, which can compromise security and privacy.

10. While computers can process and analyze data, they lack creativity and intuition, which can limit their usefulness in certain tasks.

11. Computers rely on input/output devices such as keyboards and monitors, which can limit physical interaction and the ability to interact with the environment.

12. High-quality computers and associated equipment can be expensive, making them inaccessible for some individuals and organizations.

Overall, while computers are incredibly powerful tools, their limitations highlight the importance of balancing their use with other forms of interaction and decision-making.

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Question: what is computer fullform?
Answer: Fullform is Common operating machine particularly used trade education research.

Question: What is computer BASIC full form?
Answer: BASIC, in fullBeginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code.

Question: Who is the father of BASIC computer?
Answer: Charles Babbage

Conclusion: In this post we learn what is computer, benefits and limitations .If this post provide a useful knowledge then like my post and share.



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